Rainer Roomet
2006-08-04 06:03:49 UTC
I have some kind of pre-delayed commands.
You slam into Hassan, and send him flying!
Now problem is, if you are PRE_DELAYED, you can't use any commands (similar
as wait state) but I want to interpret the delay through "STOP" command. But
how I can do it?
I am spent tons of hours to solve the problem, looking another codebases -
but result is nothing.
If i do following:
if (d->inbuf[i] == 'S')
send_to_char("You stop your bash attempt!\n\r", d->character);
GET_TWIDDLE(d->character) = 0;
then it works if I enter "S" letter in first command then he stops the bash
attempt but if I enter the second command command (bash hassan;worth;S) then
it won't work - it just waiting for delay, bash and then do these commands!
Any ideas? Or I have to make some kind of "command history" but how?
Please help!
One thing more - I am note 100% sure I am subscribed (Sometimes I have
received some ROM mail list mails but i said sometimes - it looks like it is
dead - please, if you answer to my mail, send copy to me - just in case.
Rainer Roomet
Phone: (+372) 58133281
Mail/MSN: ***@hotmail.com
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bash hassan
<pre_delay> (if delay expires)You slam into Hassan, and send him flying!
Now problem is, if you are PRE_DELAYED, you can't use any commands (similar
as wait state) but I want to interpret the delay through "STOP" command. But
how I can do it?
I am spent tons of hours to solve the problem, looking another codebases -
but result is nothing.
If i do following:
if (d->inbuf[i] == 'S')
send_to_char("You stop your bash attempt!\n\r", d->character);
GET_TWIDDLE(d->character) = 0;
then it works if I enter "S" letter in first command then he stops the bash
attempt but if I enter the second command command (bash hassan;worth;S) then
it won't work - it just waiting for delay, bash and then do these commands!
Any ideas? Or I have to make some kind of "command history" but how?
Please help!
One thing more - I am note 100% sure I am subscribed (Sometimes I have
received some ROM mail list mails but i said sometimes - it looks like it is
dead - please, if you answer to my mail, send copy to me - just in case.
Rainer Roomet
Phone: (+372) 58133281
Mail/MSN: ***@hotmail.com
FREE pop-up blocking with the new MSN Toolbar - get it now!
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