Jeremy Wallen
19 years ago

Does anyone know of a way to stop people that abuse proxies to log into a
mud? Its horribly difficult to ban when they use proxy after proxy to keep
coming back.

Thanks in advance,

Jeremy Wallen
Cities of M'Dhoria Mud
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Richard Lindsey
19 years ago
The only thing I can think of off the top of my head would be to deny
their characters if that matters to them... If they're just making
newbies and spamming the mud or something, you'll just have to newlock
the game, unfortunately... Unless anyone else has a better idea... I
suppose you could try banning the IP ranges of those proxy services...

Richard Lindsey.

-----Original Message-----
From: Jeremy Wallen [mailto:***@mdhoria.org]
Sent: Thursday, June 01, 2006 7:14 PM
To: ***@rom.org
Subject: Proxy


Does anyone know of a way to stop people that abuse proxies to log into
mud? Its horribly difficult to ban when they use proxy after proxy to
coming back.

Thanks in advance,

Jeremy Wallen
Cities of M'Dhoria Mud
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David Wilson
19 years ago
Well, if you're really ambitious, you could make the MUD email all new
charactes a passcode that they have to use to make their first signon,
like with message boards. You could then ban on email addresses

Of course, free email accounts are plentiful.

It would be neat if there was a way to ban characters from talking,
channels, etc. but without letting them know it, so it looks to them
like they're getting through, but no one else is getting their crap.

Sorry for spamming you Richard & Jeremy, I'm having a bad email day.
(stupid reply-to)
(stupid using wrong email address)

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Michael Barton
19 years ago
You could try connecting back to the socks port (1080?) on incoming IP
addresses and ban them if it's open. You might also look into using
something like http://www.sorbs.net/ since they track open proxies to
help with email spam.
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